A Bird in the Hand (5) Upgrade your owl with any Battleset Art Appreciation (30) Collect all the artwork As the Crow Flies (20) Defeat 20 Crows Bird of a Diff...
Unlockable: Alternate Ending: Complete the game once through. Then, play through to the final boss once more, getting all the items en route. After beating the boss a second time, you'll[...
All Elemental upgrades: Pause the game, then hold L1 and press Left Analog-stick Left, Up, Down, Up, Right. Release L1 to unlock all Elemental Upgrade Slots for use for both characters. If...
Коды для взломщика: ВРЕМЯ ИГРЫ 0:00:00 800845700000 KОДЫ ДЛЯ ПЕРСОНAЖA VAНN НАЖМИТЕ L2 ДЛЯ МАКСИМАЛЬНОГО ЗДОРОВЬЯ D007B7C00001 8008480С03Е7 D007B7C00001 8008480Е03Е7 D007...
Лeгкиe дeньги: Идите в Muscle Dome и входите в "турнир". На самом деле не имеет значения, какой уровень вы выберете, но чем он выше, тем больше монет он стоит. После победы и пол...
1-Up: If you stay in the water of the moat and kill seven ninjas with your sword, a blue creature will fly across the screen. Catch him for a 1-Up. This will work in all of the moat scenes...
Ten lives Hold Select + Start + A + B on controller one and A + B on controller two. Power on the NES while those buttons are held. Release the buttons when the title screen appears. Then, hold ...
Sixteen of all items Hold Up/Right + A + B on controller two and Down/Left + Select on controller one at the title screen. With all those buttons held, press Start on controller one. A sound wil...
At the Main screen press: All Abilities - LEFT, UP, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, Circle, X. Pause gameplay: Fire Reaver - hold R1, press DOWN, Circle, Triangle, UP, RIGHT, Circle.