Special Moves: Enter Training Mode with any of the ten scouts. Then, pause the match to view a screen that displays all the special moves for that scout.
Комплексный трик: "Free Play" (бесконечное число продолжений): B, B, B, C, A, A, A, B, B, C, C, C; Выбор игровой зоны: C, A, C, B, C, A, B, A, B, C, A, C; Экран игровых данных...
Press B(3), C, A(3), B(2), C(3) at the title screen. The phrase "Free Play" will appear at the bottom of the screen to confirm correct code entry. [b...
Open Level Select Menu: Go to the password screen and select Harvey (a boy with brown hair), Chloe (a dark-skinned girl), Gem (a black-haired girl), and Slugloafe (a boy with a red crew-cut. ...
Level select Enter one of the following codes at the title screen to start at the corresponding level with twelve lives. Level 2 Hold A + B + Up on controller two and press A on controller...
Секреты: Если хочешь выбирать уровни самостоятельно, то, когда появится заставка, на втором пульте нажми и удерживай А+В+Вверх, на первом пульте нажми: А - чтобы попасть на второй уровень,[br...
GLASSX - Crystal Grand Prix DESERT - Crystal Grand Prix + Car 6 ROCKYY - Crystal + Diamond Grand Prix RATTLE - Crystal + Diamond Grand Prix + Cars 6 & 7 ZDPEAK ...
Password: Effect: ZDPEAK - All the Grand Prix XPERTS - All the Grand Prix + Mirror Mode RUNNER - All the Grand Prix + Mirror Mode + Car 8 MYSTER - All the Grand Prix + Mirror Mode +...
Alternate title screen: Successfully complete story mode. The title screen will now feature either Geo and Omega-Xis. Shidou will now say "Shooting Star Rockman 3" instead of &qu...
Brawling God Amulet: Successfully complete the game on the Expert difficulty to get the Brawling God Amulet. This item allows you to use Heat Actions at any time, ignoring the Heat Gauge.[...