Battletech 2 cheat codes:
This is a list of all the Mechs used in Cresant Hawks Revenge.
You can then manipulate and change them as you wish by altering
them in files MECHTYPE.DAT or in SAVEGAME.DAT. The first couple
bytes identify the MECH, in MECHTYPE.DAT they are all in order
as I will list. In SAVEGAME.DAT you'll locate them in there
saved game position.
Like I said the first couple bytes identify the MECH, as in 00
for the LOCUST and 34 for the CYCLOPS and so on and so on. The
next four bytes represent speed and jump jets, after that the
next are variable but represent strength in %. After this comes
armour, and then firepower, and extras such as Double HS etc.
I'm sorry not to include a example, but that could be considered
copyright infringement. Anyway just play around and you'll get
it in minutes using Norton Utillities or PC TOOLS or any other
editor for that matter.
447 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Battletech 2] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]