(Megaman X) Golden Armor: To gain the golden armor you must have all the sub tanks, hearts, and armor. Don't get the four enhancers, as the golden armor will grant you these. When you have everything you need, go to Doppler's first stage and get the first super armor. Move to whe re the spikes fall into the first pit, then slide to the left until you enter a secret room. Inside will be a pink capsule. Jump on it to gain the golden armor.
Note: you have to make it to the secret place with full life.
Skip to the Endgame: To warp to the endgame, go to the stage select screen. Once there, move your cursor to the X logo and quickly press DOWN + SQUARE + X.
Super Adaptions: After killing the mid-boss in the first Dr. Doppler stage, go to the first pit you see. Now slide along the left wall until you go throuhh it.
If you have all of thee-tanks, weapons, hearts, and full energy you'll find a capsule that will grant you the four Super Adaptions.
Super Password: To have everything except the super adaptions, enter the password "6414 4155 6872 3356".
The Three Paths to Dr. Vile: To reach Dr. Vile you must kill at least two bosses, then find one of these entrances.
The first entrance is at the beginning of the Volt Catfish stage. A platform will take you to Dr. Vile.
The second entrance is in the Frozen Buffallo stage. It is located in the first pit after you enter the small room with two doors. You will see the entrance on the left side.
The third entrance is in the crab's stage (I forget his name.) The entrance is located next to an energy capsule after you leave the small room where you fought a mid-boss. Before you reach the energy capsule you will fall right through the floor. Here y ou'll find the capsule that takes you to Vile's secret stage.
Note: These entrances are only there after you kill at least two bosses and BEFORE you kill Bit and Byte (the two mid-bosses who talk to you.)
Zero's Saber: There are two ways to get Zero's Saber. If you're in a hurry you can get it with the password "1454 3535 6162 7162".
If you'd rather earn it yourself, do this. On the second stage of Doppler's lab play through the whole level with Megaman only. When you get to the mini-boss's layer, switch to Zero. Play through the entire level and defeat Vile. Zero will be damaged bey ond repair and give Megaman his saber
Music Remix: At the title screen, highlight the "enhanced" version of the game and hold down both select and start until th e title screen for Rockman 3 comes up. Some of the stage tunes will be remixed.
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