Чит коды к игре Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles [Nintendo Wii]
Bonus scenarios: Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bonus scenario:
Beginnings 1: Successfully complete Train Derailment 3. Beginnings 2: Successfully complete Beginnings 1 with an "A" or better rank. Dark Legacy 1: Successfully complete Fall Of Umbrella 3. Dark Legacy 2: Successfully complete Death's Door and Nightmare 2. Death's Door: Successfully complete Racoon's Destruction 3 with an "A" or better rank. Fourth Survivor: Successfully complete Dark Legacy 2. Nightmare 1: Successfully complete Mansion Incident 1. Nightmare 2: Successfully complete Nightmare 1 with an "A" or better rank. Rebirth 1: Successfully complete Mansion Incident 3. Rebirth 2: Successfully complete Rebirth 1. The 4th Survivor: Successfully complete Dark Legacy 2.
Special Stage mini-game: Successfully complete all scenarios, including the bonus sub-scenarios to unlock the Special Stage mini-game.
Infinite ammunition: Get an "S" rank in all scenarios. The message "Unlimited Ammo Deactivated" will appear. This is a glitch, where "Deactivated" was used as a mistranslation for "Unlocked". Ignore the error, and enter the "Customize" menu to purchase the level 5 (unlimited ammunition) upgrade.
Cooperative mode: Successfully complete Hunk's "The Fourth Survivor" scenario to unlock Cooperative mode in all missions. You can now select the double pistol icon at the character selection screen to play with two players. Note: Both players will use the same character.
Handcannon: Play Hunk's "The Fourth Survivor" scenario. Locate the secret room next to the front doors of the police station lobby. Watch for Hunk to look briefly towards the doors that lead to the secret room as he walks past. Quickly shoot the doors to open them. Enter the secret room, and get the Handcannon from the desk on the left side.
Control loading screen: During the loading screen, you can shoot the Umbrella logo where it will eventually fall. It will bounce around as you shoot it. Easy "S" ranks Use the following trick to get easy "S" rank unlocks. Play Wesker's Mansion Mission (Rebirth). Play the first scenario repeatedly. Once you find all three files, all you need to worry about is time and critical hits. It is also a short mission. Once you get the three files, getting an "S" rank each time is easy. The best time to get all your critical hits is after going up the steps. Once the zombies begin moving, aim your crosshair until the red circle blinks, then fire for an instant critical.
Defeating the Giant Worm: The Giant Worm will be moving left and right at the beginning; however, this is just to confuse you on which side it will be attacking from. Its weak point is in its mouth. You should be using the assault shotgun, Magnum, rocket launcher, or MRL. It will go underground a few times to attack you. Dodge this attack. When it comes back up, Carlos or Jill will look up into the sky. Shoot the rocks coming down, and repeat the process. It will jump into the air a few times. Shoot its mouth to send it flying to the side. You must dodge one of these attacks later. Once its health gets down to half, shoot all four MRL rockets into its mouth. If it is still alive, finish it off with the assault shotgun. Note: In one of its attacks, it will throw cars at you. One of them will be a bus, which takes away about half of your health. Shoot them to make them explode.
Defeating Nemesis: You can use anything against the Nemesis because he has no weak point. Make sure you have a Magnum (level 4), assault shotgun (level 4), and MRL (level 4). Use the Magnum first. After you shoot him enough times, he will jump onto the rooftop and run to a certain spot, where he will shoot his tentacles down the wall and pop up directly in front of you to attack. This cannot be dodged. He will then jump up and attempt to crush you. Dodge this, and repeat the process. When you run out of ammo for the Magnum and assault shotgun, use the MRL. Shoot all eight rockets at him. If he survives, finish him off with the handgun. Note: He can grab you and hold you in the air. This will damage you until you die or shoot him enough times to make him drop you.
Killing Salazar: About three-quarters in the game you have a fight to the death with Salazar, a small infected one. Firstly, before you enter the building where the fight begins go to the guy you can buy/sell things; and then buy a minethrower and a rocket laucher. Enter the building and jump down to the bottom and kill a few of those spider things - they get you extra ammo and herbs. When you think you have enough supplies, go up to the top layer and get out your minethrower; then aim for the big eye - fire at it and then you will see salazar get out your rocket laucher then fire away! He should be dead in no time, and dont forget to search that room for supplies - you will need it after this level.
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