Чит коды к игре Resident Evil: Director`s Cut [Playstation 1 & 2]
Clock Tip: If you look at the pool table in the Bar Room of the Guest House, you'll notice cue balls reading 12, 6, 3, 9, a clock dial at the end of the table, and 2 cue sticks. This represents a clock; the numbers represents the numbers of a clock, and the cue sticks represents the hands of a clock, the shorter hand being the hour hand and the longer stick being the minute hand.
For Jill's storyline, it reads 3:45 and for Chris's storyline, it reads 2:15. What this tip does is that it makes it easier to open the door with the numbered key-pad lock in the beehive room. For Jill, enter 3, 4, 5 and the door will unlock. For Chris, enter 2, 1, 5, and the door will unlock.
Note: The numbers must not have been played with previously for trick to work.
Colt Python with unlimited ammo: Beat the game in the ADVANCED mode with Chris or Jill and rescue everyone so at the end it says "What a tough guy! You have completely closed the case!" Then it will ask you to save the game. Do it. Then go to load game at the title screen and load the game. Then you will have the Colt Python with as many shots as you want.
Double Ammo: At the title screen choose NEW GAME then go down to ADVANCED but don't choose it. While ADVANCED is highlighted, hold RIGHT on the D-Pad. After about 10 seconds the color of ADVANCED will change. You may now start a game with either character.
From now on, whenever you pick up a clip it will have 30 rounds instead of 15 and the ink ribbons will have six saves instead of two.
Easier Way To Get New Clothes: Start a new game and highlight Advanced. Hold Right until it turns green. Then select it. Select Chris and when you get the Armor Key, go through the door by the blue double doors in the main hall. Head to the room with the large mirror. Go into the other door. It should be unlocked. Inside will be some new clothes.
Easier Way To Kill The Plant Boss: To save some time, as Jill, don't go into the drug storehouse to make the V-Jolt. Instead just go downstairs and drain out all the water from the basement. Then, once you're done fooling around downstairs, head back upstairs and load flame rounds into your bazooka (assuming you got it) and go into the Plant Boss Room. When you get in there fire at him as usual. It should take about four shots. When you're finished and the plant has been reduce to a pile of purple goo on the middle of the floor, run over to the fireplace and get the helmet key. Doing this should save about fifteen minutes. You don't have to do this if Barry comes in to save you though.
If this doesn't work, do the exact same thing as above, but when you get back upstairs load explosive rounds in your bazooka and fire at will. It should take about four shots. When you do that the plant should shrink itself and gather itself at the top and bottom of the room. Now exit the room, load flame rounds and go back inside. It should only take four flame rounds to kill it once and for all.
Hunting Tips: To kill Zombies in one shot, let them walk right in front of you. Then aim high with the Shotgun and fire. Poof! Dead zombies.
For acid-spitting zombies, let them get pretty close, then fire three steady shots with your Beretta. This will save you a lot of ammo.
To kill spiders quick, here's what to do. If you're Jill, arm the Bazooka with Flame rounds. Then when you encounter a spider let it get pretty close (or if you like, when it's ready to bite you), than fire! This works only agaist medium-sized spiders. You can try the Acid rounds, but it might take a shot or two more.
For Chris, if you can pick up the flamethrower, use it agaist the huge spider. Just fire until it's dead.
Remove Emblems: To remove the emblems from the Doom books, examine the books and turn them on their side with the pages facing you. Press X to open the books and retrieve their emblems.
Rocket Launcher with Unlimited Ammo: Finish the game with Chris in under three hours, then save the data to a memory card. Start a new game using the saved data,then check Chris's inventory. You'll find a rocket launcher with unlimited ammo.
Save Some Ammo: When playing as Jill the first Zombie you come to is in the corridor over Kenneth's body. As soon as the Zombie starts coming at you, run into the dinning room where Barry is. Barry will ask what's wrong, and then kill the approaching Zombie. This will save you a few rounds of valuable ammunition.
Double items: Highlight the "Arrange" option on the game mode screen and hold Right until the pointer turns green. Begin game play and double the normal amount of items, including ink ribbons and ammunition, will be available. Note: This does not effect other items, such as health sprays or herbs.
Reset game: Pause the game during play and press Start + Select. The game will reset and return to the main menu.
Controller configuration: Press Select + Start during game play.
Unlimited magnum: Select "Arrange" mode and complete the game as either character in any amount of time. The unlimited magnum will be available when the game is replayed. This weapon makes it easier to complete the game in under three hours for the unlimited rocket launcher, at which point both weapons will be available for another game.
Killing Plant 42: Chris can save ammunition when fighting Plant 42 by using the combat knife. Only about a dozen hits with the knife are needed to kill it.
Auto aim: Instead of having to turn around manually to shoot the zombies, hold R1 and your character will automatically aim their gun at the nearest zombie/danger. Tap L1 while continuing to hold R1 to have your character re-adjust his or her aim. This is a much faster way to fight quick enemies, and saves ammunition from missed shots.
Logging onto the computer: To log in to the computer in the lab, and unlock the areas B1 and B2, use the following passwords: 1st: John 2nd: Ada 3rd: Mole
Getting the Star Crest: Go to the hall with the numerous paintings and crows. Put the switches behind the paintings in the following order: new born baby; infant; lively boy; young man; middle-aged man; bold looking old man.
Saving herbs: If herbs are not needed immediately when found, take some time to transport them to one of the Boxes. If you need to use them later, you will know where to find them.
Save ammunition as Jill or Chris: Stand behind the statue in the room above the dining room. When the zombies come up on the other side, they will try to walk through the statue leaving you free to knife them to death.
Fight Bravo Team member Forest: When playing as Chris, just go to the balcony on the second floor of the mansion. Approach the corpse (Forest). There should be a mansion key. Try to pick it up. Forest will attack you.
When playing as Jill, go to the room with the first zombie from the dining room. Then, go back to the main mansion room. Barry will tell you to search the hall. Do that, then go directly to the balcony. If done correctly, Barry should not be there. Go to Forest and try to take the key. There should also be a grenade launcher located there. You can use it to kill Forest faster. However, if you try to pick up the mansion key Forest will attack you. Note: :Forest is harder to kill than regular zombies.
Get all weapon and all ammos with all maps for current misson: Get a knife and use it to attack one of the zombies or enemies and use the weakest gun you have to shoot them dead after your first hit with the knife. Go to your weapon list and trash out everything as in throw them away and go pick up another weapon and check the weapon list and all weapons in that stage or mission is there. Unlimited ammos goes with it.
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