Старый художник,к тому же философ,
Жил не тужил,лудил без вопросов.
В обшарпанной двушке,в стареньком доме,
Он часто хитрил,не держал себя в форме.
Картин по комнатам около сотни,
Но толку от ...
Я с тобой больше не встречаюсь,
От встреч этих бросает в дрожь.
Часто слышу от тебя я замечание,
"На Боярского стал ты похож!"
Я смеюсь и перехожу улицу,
Ты кричишь мне что-то вдали.
Молодые ...
Взял вискарь,и на веранду
Передо мной Диего Армандо.
Я опешил,лишился речи,
А он говорит- Сережа, рад встрече.
Ром по бокалам разливая,
"Аста с'емпрэ" напевая.
Крутит в руке сигарную тубу,
Если тело на шифре - это Шифрин,
То киллер по ходу тогда Пришвин!
Кто-то пришил Рому из за Дашки
Такие делишки, костюм от Юдашкина
Порван в клочья, ах сволочи!
Всё точно, не порочной была Даша...
Тонг-По изнасиловал чью-то сестру,
И его за это вешают.
Я подлуживаю пиво
А в ушах поет Вера Брежнева.
Тонг-По изнасиловал чью-то сестру,
И его за это вешают.
Я стою на главной площа...
Тем кому за сорок и хорошо за тридцать
Не желаете ли, господа, расхитриться?
Этот рассказ будет довольно резкий
Он охватит и Тверскую и конечно Невский
В крупных европейских городах не стесняют...
Big blue in a gasfield, you caught me lying
Pathetic religion of sex and crying
I nailed the door shut to leave you blind
I nailed the door shut for peace of mind
You were the best love I...
Eat, sleep,
And breathe that you're full of the stuff
Go back, get tied up tight
Wheat-meat-dairy-free, tee total,
So happy clappy high on life
You should try it, you know
Go on while no one'...
Drifting though the atmosphere
And up into space
Leave behind the moon he's sitting
In his special place
Some flutterbies they enter and they
Play around in my soul
And once again part of m...
This is an obsession, a kind of agression with himself
It's the way hell always be
He loves to rebel to go against his ten commandments
For him, thats just being free.
And he always will, get...
She pops into the bathroom
just after a shower and she
plays with my makeup and creams
keeps trying to look like me
goes through the motions
posing this way and that
holding it in if it mak...
( with Urban Species )
Music is my blanket
Will be music is my ??
Emotionless this city lies
Cruel it is, it clouds my eyes
The dark the dark
Shades of my day
I live inside this place
Can't close my eyes
I'm wide awake
Every hair on my body
Has got a thing for this place
Oh, empty my heart
I've got to make room for this feeling
It's so much bigger than me
It ...
I am alone, surrounded by
The colour blue
Inside a poem, the only
Words i ever knew
Washing my hands, of the
Many years untold
For now i am banned, my
Future is to unfold
Would you take m...
Knock, knock...are you alone?
No one's out here and I was not followed.
Love, love...you're already home.
Party's over and you don't look so good.
You find your way back down.
And I'll keep ...
I can't wait...to be with you.
No, I just can't sit still....are we there, yet?
Takes me back...I remember.
Such a magical place...it was so...you...
Closing in...I hope that you're my gift.
It's dark in here
Visions are flashing into my head
As i reminisce
My reoccuring dreams and you said
I'm falling, falling for you babe,
And my feelings are gettin stronger,
So why dont you ...
Don't mind me,
Just cruising by,
by the girl with the balloon,
Good it looks like we're the only ones around,
Caught on CCTV,
Heading towards the city lights,
winking diamonds at me,
arms st...
Can you tell me why am I feeling?
Can you tell me why am I feeling?
Tonight I am myself again
I am one as whole
I realise that I'm like this
When I look into my soul
I see a confused vessel...
My cloud
And everything here is mine
Nobody lives here but me
Unless i say they can
They go when i tell them
Oh conversation begins at a time
When i wish to talk to it
Where i wish to go