A mysterious man dressed as an office worker, Tanaka is the only one-man team other than Sho Kano. He uses a style called Tenchi Mushin Ryuu. He has a young child and had married at 18. He has a seemingly timid and carefree personality, even taking a phone call from his wife during a match. However, he has a fierce fighting style, defeating the enemy who was at least three times his size and muscle mass with one finger. He is apparently looking for Ogata, and he gives Team Gemini a threatening message to deliver to Ogata while emitting a murderous aura. Seeing that Ogata is not on the island, he decides to forfeit, preferring to return to his domestic duties. Before answering Rachel Stanley's questions, he runs off, leaving only a feint trail by the time Rachel reaches the corner he had turned.
In chapter 370, he fights against Kenichi in Ryozanpaku dojo. Originally Tanaka wanted to fight against one of the masters, Elder says that Kenichi right now on the same level as Tanaka and to test him, Elder permits fight between Tanaka and Kenichi. In this fight Tanaka uses Ogata's technique, Kazoe Nukite and his own technique, Jyuuji Kuhiki. But in the end Kenichi wins.