A 1711 immortal. During the 1930s, he serves as an agent of the government body now known as the FBI. He and a select group of subordinates deal with all cases involving immortals. He is thought to be responsible for Huey's arrest. In the novel The Rolling Bootlegs, two subordinates of a person implied to be Victor are seen investigating Szilard's brewing operation. Victor's subordinates are also seen investigating the Flying Pussyfoot incident in 1931. In 1934, he arranges the arrest of Firo and Isaac so that Firo can investigate Huey's activities in jail.
His dialogue with Firo in 1934 presents him as short-tempered, arrogant, and somewhat immature. He expresses a vehement personal hatred towards all criminals. However, Nile, another 1711 immortal, states that Victor is not naturally the type of person to fixate on rules, but holds a deep conviction that law is necessary for the greater good and must be rigorously enforced, even at the cost of some individual freedom.
(Source: Baccano! Wikia)