Ami Jr, also known as Ami Mizuno, was a character who existed only in the alternate-universe story "Parallel Sailor Moon." In that story, she was Ami Mizuno's eight-year-old daughter who, like her mother, wore glasses and loved to study, but was said to have poor handwriting due to her reliance on computers. Name: Ami Mizuno Alignment: Moon Kingdom Species: Human Gender: Female Lives: Azabu-Juuban, Minato-ku, Tokyo Occupation: Elementary school student Family: Ami Mizuno (mother), unnamed father Associates: The other Parallel Inners Aliases: Unnamed Sailor Senshi
Ami and her friends Mina, Rei, and Mako all tolerated Usagi's younger daughter, Kousagi, and attended a cooking class taught by Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna with her, but ditched her whenever possible. Ami was also a Sailor Senshi, but her Senshi name was never given in the story. Both her and her mother's names are pronounced in the same way, but their given names are written differently in Japanese.