Kazemon, also known as Fairymon in Japan, is the Human Spirit of Wind. Her original name comes from the English word "fairy", while her name in the dubbed version comes from "kaze", the Japanese word for wind. She is kind, caring and strong. Her preferred attacks are powerful kicks and hurricane force winds. She first transformed into Kazemon on the episode "Kazemon Kicks It" when she confronted with the Mushroom brothers who were endangering the Floramon. She is seen to be not as strong as Ranamon in the episode "The Swiss-Family Digimon" but in the episode before she is quite strong. This is believed to be a lack of energy.
Later she became Kazemon again to help distract the Goblimon. In the episode "Can't Keep a Grumblemon Down", Zoe lost her spirit while fighting Gigasmon in order to save Tommy and didn't get it back until "No Whamon".
Kazemon has large butterfly-like wings sprouting from her back. She uses these wings to take flight.
Hurricane Wave [Brezza Petalo (Breeze Petal)]: Long, thin tornadoes erupt from Kazemon's fingertips which she throws at her enemies. Tempest Twist [Tornado Gamba (Tornado Leg)]: Does a hand stand while spinning very quickly, creating a strong force of wind that slams her foes. Love Tap [Carino Anca (Lovely Hip)]: Taps her foes with her rear end causing temporary feelings of attraction. Rapid Kick [Roseo Temporale (Rosy Time)]: Rapidly kicks her enemy with both her legs.