Anime: Brawly is in charge of the Knuckle Badge and resides in Dewford Town. Brawly's name contains the word brawl in it, referring to fighting; his Japanese name Toki can be literally translated as "fighting spirit". Brawly specializes in Fighting-type Pokemon, and once trained alongside Kanto Elite Four member Bruno.
In the Pokemon anime series, Brawly is a Gym Leader who likes to Surf and train his Pokemon at the same time. His Pokemon move like the waves, always changing and avoiding attacks through the course of battle. He also has a private island which has a training facility and a battle field that has many geysers on it. Ash loses to Brawly the first time, when he relies only on brute strength. However, in the rematch, his Corphish and Treecko use the forces of nature to defeat Brawly's Machop and Hariyama.
Manga: Brawly also trains his Pokemon by surfing with them in Pokemon Adventures. His strategy is to use "subtle forces" over speed and power to use his opponents' strength against them. He also likes to save his Pokemon's evolutions for battles.
During his match with Sapphire, his Makuhita evolved into Hariyama. Sapphire figured out that his use of Counter could be overcome by moves which attacked with multiple hits, such as Double Kick. Due to a misunderstanding, she was also expecting Brawly's Pokemon to evolve.
Brawly sided with Team Aqua in the Hoenn conflict because he wanted more places to surf. He changed his mind after Kyogre and Groudon started their rampage. His opponent during the Kyogre/Groudon fiasco was Mack. Using direct, brutal strength instead of his usual strategy, he defeated him at the cost of his own Pokemon. He was last seen on the Pokemon Association's airship "Ba.Goon", resting from his injuries.