Within the prestigious Seiryou Academy exists a handpicked collection of elite students that form the school council. At its head presides the "Heretical President" Hashizume Yuuichi, a young man capable of seemingly anything and with the entire school under his thumb. His trademark white blazer signifies doom for anyone that dares cross him in physical contest or mental game.
Hashizume is related to Uruma Yuuichirou, the student council president of Saint Casiel Academy. Their father is the chairman of Seiryou itself. Hashizume's relationships with his brother and father are strained, and for this reason he forgoes the use of his true family name, Uruma.
Until he meets Misonoi Tsuyoshi, the transfer student who just happened to be standing under his falling bookbag and sit next to him in class, he's shamelessly ostentatious and lacks even a speck of honesty.