Tokito is known as the child of Muramasa, but Tokito really hates him, whom Tokito regards as a traitor. Tokito is able to determine the destiny of people using tarot cards and the candles of fate. Immature and cruel, Tokito enjoys the misfortune of others. In spite of being young, Tokito seems very strong, as being able to stop Bontenmaru's Kosoga with only three fingers. Tokito also has the last Muramasa sword, Hokuto Shichisei, which is a twin sword.
In truth, Tokito is a girl who grew up playing as a boy. She is the daughter of Fubuki and Hitoki and is Muramasa's niece. She is defeated by Akira and joins Kyo's group. She falls in love with Akira for beating her and becomes his stalker. After the death of her father, she was terrified of the idea of being completely alone; however, both Julian and Botenmaru claim that she belongs to "their" family.