In the TV anime Gundam (Universal Century series) universe, Mineva Lao Zabi is the last surviving member of the Zabi family and heir to the Principality of Zeon; she is the daughter of Dozle Zabi and Zenna Zabi.
In Mobile Suit Gundam/Zeta Gundam/Gundam ZZ:
Mineva was born during the One Year War. During the Federation siege on the space fortress Solomon, Dozle insisted that Zenna took the young Mineva and flee to the Zeon's Axis base in the asteroid belt. Zenna later died, leaving the young princess in the hands of Maharajah Karn; Haman Karn took over as regent for her father after his death, guiding Mineva until she was ready to take over. At the conclusion of the 1st Neo-Zeon War, the Mineva found by the AEUG declares herself a fake — however, as there was never a hint of this before, it can be assumed it's the real Mineva lying in order to be no longer embroiled in the continued Zeon-Earth conflicts as either a puppet of Zeon, or a person marked for death by Earth extremists.