Emerald is a character in the Pokemon Adventures manga, a challenger in the Battle Frontier. He is an excellent battler and has proved it several times by defeating Factory Head Noland, Lucy, Brandon and Greta. He is also considered good at catching Pokemon, and for that Crystal has hired him to catch the legendary Jirachi. Despite his great interest in Pokemon battling, he claims to not like Pokemon very much. Since he got a Sceptile, Sudowoodo and Dusclops from the Battle Frontier, he seems to accept them more and more. He appears to be extremely short, and he is actually shorter than he looks. Under his long sleeved clothes he has high platform shoes, and he always holds a pair of external mechanical hands which he holds with his real hands. However, this is mostly tactical places to keep most of his capturing equipment, for example his platform includes several rows with different kind of Pokeballs. He also has a rare ability to calm Pokemon by making them remember their birthplace. He starts by spotting the Pokemon, and just by that he knows where it comes from. He then proceeds to pull out a small piece of ammo consisted by soil from the Pokemon's birthplace, and loads it into a special gun he carries. By shooting the ground the Pokemon is standing on, the feeling can calm the Pokemon in a matter of seconds. Noteworthy, he is the only character except Yellow who is not based on anyone from the Pokemon games, although a character appears in Diamond and Pearl with a somewhat similar appearance.