Title: Vongola First Mist Guardian Gender: Male Weapon: Daemon Spade's Evil Lens Flame: Mist
Daemon Spade is a dangerous Illusionist. He does not resemble Chrome in anyway but he physically and mentally resembles Mukuro in personality and actions, and Reborn stated that he was a backstabber, much as Mukuro has frequently noted that he is merely biding his time for the opportunity to possess Tsuna. He was said to be able to curse enemies by glaring at them through his Weapon called Demon Spade's Evil Lens which resembles the Vongola Mist Owl's Cambio Forma, though "cursing" is likely a metaphorical reference to what happened to anyone he disliked. Also, it was said that those who were glared at through the Evil Lens would be found dead, floating in the sea the next day.