Height: 5'2" Weight: 93 lbs. Blood Type: B Birthplace: Unknown Birthday: May 5th("Its not my real birthday, but it's the day Johnny found me!") Eye Color: Black Hobbies: Thinking of Johnny Favorite Thing: Johnny Dislikes: "Baldies! Ick!" Weapon: Anchor Quote: "Don't worry, Johnny! May's coming to save you!"
All the girl can remember of her infancy is the image of a suave and daring pirate captain whisking her away from a savage field of battle. The pirate, Johnny, named the orphan May, after the month of endless rain. Throughout the long years of wild living aboard the pirates' airship, May developed a fierce love for Johnny; He was part father figure, part brother, and perhaps even part boyfriend to her. However, one day, Johnny was caught in the act. Though he primarily stole from the well-off to aid those in need, crime is crime, and he was incarcerated. The term was not a short one. Johnny's crew immediately began placing an elaborate breakout. And so, the day before the plan was to commence- "May! Hold on! Is it too late of change the plan?!" "What's up, Chief Adviser April? A tournament...? And the prize is anything?! They'll grant any wish?!" "Yeah! We could wish for Johnny to be released!" "Good thinking! Just wait, Johnny! I'm coming!"