Sakura Sakurada was originally a child of the streets, along with her friend Mikura Suzuki, stealing for their daily bread. However, one night, the two, after a small raid, happened to run into Kenichi Kurokawa, who at the time was still with the Tokyo Police Department. Mikura had decided to risk arrest by taking on the detective, encouraging her friend to run for it.
For the better part of a year, Sakura tried to survive the best she could, but not with the success she had with Mikura. Then one day, she found herself about to be raped by three men. However, with the sound of three shots, Sakura's attackers were dead on the ground. Her savior – Momomi Momoi, the psychotic daughter of Momokichi Momoi (Mikura would later face Momomi in Mezzo Forte).