After the shutdown of the GIB, the aimless AR-6 searched out the other remaining TUNED Replicas. Sechs' dream was to become an original in her own way by showing that she was not like the original, but stronger, similar but still different to AR-2's wish to replace A1. If she is able to defeat the original, then she has earned the right to exist as Sechs. Sechs means "six" in German, and signifies that she is the sixth Alita replica.
During her time on the surface AR-6 develops her own fighting style, called Sechster Angriff, which utilizes her Titan Blade. She had also modified, or patchwork fixed, her TUNED body to include a .22 caliber Superconducting Phase Transition Gun (also called a Solenoid Quench Gun) in her right arm. Sechs also has more familiarity with guns than her sisters Elf and Zwolf (AR-11 and AR-12, respectively), which proves beneficial later on, which she likely picked up during this time as well.
Sechs alone successfully killed AR-1, AR-3, AR-4, AR-5, AR-7, AR-8, and AR-9. This is interesting because Sechs, unlike AR-2, has all the emotions Alita has (which was why Alita nearly lost to AR-2). Afterwards she began to search for Alita to destroy the original as well, finding her in Tiphares, but is defeated. After her TUNED body is heavily damaged, her brain chip is transferred to the interactive interface doll used by Alita and Lou during their time in the GIB, and later into a new male body made of polythene materials, with an upgraded (rapid-fire) Solenoid Quench Gun arm, as well as a modified (longer) Titan Blade.