She’s mother of Kazane. She resides in the Overturned Earth, a realm between the human world and the underworld where the guardians of the underworld protects her and her family, large animals whose duty is to serve the Priestess and protect the seal of the Underworld.
Fifty years before the Kazane arc began; she sought the help of onmyoji Seimei and Ryusai to help her seal the gates of the underworld since the seal was getting weaker. However, Ryusai fell deeply in love and kidnapped her instead.
She later left Ryusai to go back to the realm but was kidnaped by Chishiki no Guji. He sealed her into a frozen rock since he couldn't get her to open the Underworld gate; instead, he used her daughter, Kazane. She was later found and rescued by Seimei.