Mewtwo (), known as the "Genetic" species of Pokemon, is a Pokemon cloned from Mew that exists quietly in an undiscovered cave. It was created by scientists through genetic manipulation of Mew's DNA involving repeated recombination, gene splicing, and other DNA experiments over many years. While its DNA is mostly similar to the original Mew DNA, Mewtwo is very different in both its body size and personality. Its creators did not imbue him with compassion, making it one of the most savage Pokemon, able to strike fear into its enemies with its cold, glowing eyes. Being made for battle, its combat abilities and psychic powers were developed to be of the highest level, and it always thinks of defeating its opponents. In order to always fight at full power, it remains motionless to conserve energy.
In the events of the Pokemon: The First Movie, Mewtwo awakens, destroys the laboratory where it is created and being kept, and works under Giovanni, who had originally ordered Mewtwo's creation, until realizing it is just being used. After escaping, it tries to destroy the humans that 'enslave' Pokemon and start a new world. During Pokemon: Mewtwo Returns, it seeks complete solitude and chooses to live without fighting. Giovanni tries to recapture Mewtwo, but it is ultimately saved by Ash. Mewtwo chooses not to confine himself to the world and roams the earth. In the "Mastermind of the Mirage Pokemon" a mirage copy of Mewtwo is seen furiously battling Ash and its friends.