Magnamon, is the Golden Armor form of Veemon created by the Digi-Egg of Miracles. Magnamon first appeared during the Digimon Emperor's reign, when the Digimon Emperor's creation, Kimeramon, was wreaking havoc in the Digital World. Wormmon decided to aid the DigiDestined, and led Veemon and Davis to the power source of the Digimon Emperor's base. There, Davis discovered the Golden Digi-Egg of Miracles, and used its power to Digivolve Veemon into Magnamon. Magnamon was powerful enough to fight Kimeramon, but eventually lost its ground. Wormmon, in a last attempt to make Ken Ichijouji see the error of his ways, managed to free Magnamon by sacrificing the last of its life force. Magnamon, re-energized by Wormmon’s sacrifice, was able to destroy Kimeramon by using its Magna Explosion attack. Magnamon appears again in the Digimon movie The Golden Digimentals to help Rapidmon (Armor) fight Cherubimon.
Attacks: Magna Blast(er) (Plasma Shoot): Unleashes a large number of energy bullets from its body. Magna Explosion (Extreme Jihad): Unleashes a large energy wave from its body. Magna Punch: A punch attack that results in a small shock wave. Magna Kick: A simple kick attack.