Cyberace cheat codes:
Save your game in slot 0, enter the sub-directory
MFILS and debug as follows:
e 01bc ff ff
e 017a 41
e 0179 v (where v=race (31 to 29))
this g...
Cyber Gladiators cheat codes:
Cheat Codes
Type in the following code (quickly) at the Fighter Selection screen
(you'll hear a noise if successful):
* Allows you (and your opponent) to rip li...
C.A.R.S. cheat codes:
go to options/password
enter with f1/f2:
Each code entered will give a description of the cheat enabled.
Cabal cheat codes:
If you pause the game and you should find that you are able to move your
gun target around.
For infinite lives in this game, use the DOS utility DEBUG. First backup
your ...
Cabela's Big Game Hunter 1 cheat codes:
Animal Calls
Use the same animal call three times back to back
and the animal you called will appear somewhere
in the hunting area.
Easy Kill
To get...
Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2 cheat codes:
Weapon sighting coordinates
While at the target range and ready to shoot, press
[Alt] + [Ctrl] + T. Fire to display targeting coordinates
in X-Y format....
Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2004 Season cheat codes:
44 mag revolver:
Begin a career, beat any level`s two seasons.
Do this in more levels to unlock more guns.
Sniper Character (Johanna):
Cabela's Big Game Hunter 3 cheat codes:
During play, go to the Wilderness Tracking view.
Press Ctrl + Enter, then type in footwork, then
Ctrl + Enter again. You'll see a mesaage to confirm
Cabela's Big Game Hunter 5 cheat codes:
Full Health:
Hold [CTRL], hit [ENTER], type "pb", hit [ENTER],
and type the code "dandy".
Begin game play, and switch to the wilderness tracking view....
Cabela's Big Game Hunter: 2006 cheat codes:
Be aware that there are MANY more console commands than we are listing.
However, most of them are strange Debug codes. It is difficult to
determine t...
Cabela's Off-Road Adventures 1 cheat codes:
Alter Settings:
In gameplay when you are in a truck:
Press q, i , f12 at the same time, then press
the ~ key. This will bring up a console in the
Cabela's Off-Road Adventures 2 cheat codes:
Type the codes at the menu to activate cheats:
Code Result
TREASURE Unlock All Tracks
PHANTOM Unlock All Cars
Cabela's Off-Road Adventures 3 cheat codes:
Start the game with "launcher.exe -cheats". During gameplay goto
console press [~] (TILDE), then enter the following cheats:
GodModeCora <0/1> - T...
Cabelas Big Game Hunter 2005 cheat codes:
Press [~] (tilde) while playing to display the console.
Use one of the following codes to cheat.
ai_drawmap = 1 - Makes a map on screen that...
Cabelas Dangerous Hunts cheat codes:
Start the game with "launcher.exe -cheats".
During gameplay goto console (press [~]), then enter the following cheats:
godmode (0/1) - Toggle...
Cadaver cheat codes:
Starting at different levels
Cadaver uses a special data system for defining each level.
Thus, you can start play on a different level simply by copying
the files i...
Cadillacs And Dinosaurs cheat codes:
Enter these codes during the game:
RADBADLZRDCAR prevents damage from regular things such as potholes
Caerar's Palace Video Poker cheat codes:
Easy money
Begin a new game and create a player to start with
$5,000. Select "Game", "Sklansky's Poker Challenge",
and "Sklansky's Double Hold'em Chall...