Front Schweine cheat codes:
Cheats are entered as Playernames:
NAUGHTY PIGS 99 - points of transport, all levels de-energise
MARDY PIGS - bonus team "Lard" de-energise
Frontier 1 cheat codes:
So, you can gain more and more money: you must have a ship with
a passenger the bulletin board do you accept a
mission (travel a person). Now go in the ship...
Frontier: Elite 2 cheat codes:
1. Cheat:
The secret of Frontier id finding a good trading route to build
up your credits and here is a good one.
Firstly you have to find Cemiess (it's an Imper...
Frontline Attack: War Over Europe cheat codes:
In the game press [Enter] and type one of the following cheats:
I'mCheater - activate cheat mode
Ups... - damage enemy buildin...
Frontlines: Fuel of War cheat codes:
Start the game with the -devmode command line parameter.
Then, press [~] during game play to display the console window.
Enter one of the following codes to...
Frugooscape cheat codes:
Cheat Codes:
To get 999m type - ::pickup 0995 999999999
To get Fire Rune's Type - ::pickup 0554 1
To get Water Rune's type - ::pickup 0555 1
To get Air...
Fugger 2 cheat codes:
Open a Savegame (game*.dat in the Folder config)
with an Hex-Editor and change the Row 9E10
as in the Example!
10 06 1E 21 00 00 00 00 - FF FF FF 00 12...
Full Spectrum Warrior cheat codes:
Make new profile and name it:
MERCENARIES - full ammo
HA2P1PY9TUR5TLE - army version
NICKWEST - big heads mode
SWEDISHARMY - realistic mode
Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers cheat codes:
Unlock all co-op multiplayer stages:
Go to the Bonus option, after choose Cheats
and type the following code: fullspectrumpwnage
Full Throttle cheat codes:
If you stop moving and don't touch the keyboard or mouse for a few minutes, a
screen will come up that shows a few different vehicles and rotates them.
If you have ...
Fur Fighters cheat codes:
Cheat Codes:
To continue past a point that tells you that a certain number of tokens or
babies are required, edit the "LEVELS.TXT" file, find the section describing
Funk Flitzer cheat codes:
Cheats are entered during the play or in the break mode:
Cheat Result
TURBO - double speed
WAS NOT - unlimited rockets
STICKY - better road grip
Fun Tacks cheat codes:
Type these cheats at the menu
Code Result
BQNQRNE - Raises the car's height
FIL,JOLK - Makes the screen turn around
SKUNK - Invisible but not fo...
Fury 3 cheat codes:
Type These Codes During Game Play:
TRYMEON - God Mode
GIVITIUP - All weapons
JUMPNIT - Jump to next level
WORMITx - Jump to level x
PACKIN1 - Ammo f...
Fur Fighters cheat codes:
Cheat Codes:
To continue past a point that tells you that a certain number of tokens or
babies are required, edit the "LEVELS.TXT" file, find the section describing