Fifa Manager 2011 cheat codes:
Money cheat:
Go into your FIFA Manager install directory.
"..Program FilesEA SPORTSFIFA MANAGER 11". Now open the folder that
says private_items. Open the f...
Fifa Soccer '96 cheat codes:
When you have the ball, run down the sideline holding down CTRL. Most of the
time the diving tackles will miss or it will be your throw-in When you get to
the corn...
FIFA Soccer 2005 cheat codes:
Recommended players:
Kieron Dyer might only be four and half stars, but is a lot better.
He can run past anyone and is well worth buying.
Free kick:
In other t...
FIFA Soccer Manager cheat codes:
go to offset "00001B1E" for doubling your money, ex:
- 0E for 250.000
- 1E for 500.000
- 2E for 1.000.000
once time editing : go to offset "00001B1F" replac...
Fifa World Cup 2002 cheat codes:
To turn cheats on, look for the soccer.ini file
into your game folder, edit it with notepad or any text
editor, and add these for:
Text ...
FIFA World Cup 2006 cheat codes:
All-African Team
Win the World Cup with a team from Africa.
All-Americans Team
Win the World Cup with a team from the Americas.
All-Asian Team
Win the Wo...
Fighter Bomber cheat codes:
When you enter your name, use 'BUCKAROO'. The computer will say,
'Oh No!, it's a BUCKAROO!'. Now you can try all of the 16 missions.
Fight for Fame cheat codes:
All values of the play - like gold, grain and wine - are
put down in the Savegame
SAVEGAME.SAV unencrypted as indications, can be made and
changed thus with the hel...
FilpMania cheat codes:
All levels select:
The Game stores in the text file C:FM.LOG,
which level was created.
Enter for example " 2 " there, in order to be able
to branch into the third level.
Fighter's Anthology cheat codes:
Super Cheat: Simultaneously depress [RIGHT ALT], [RIGHT CTRL]
and [RIGHT SHIFT] at the main menu. While holding keys, click on
single mission. This grants acces...
Final Liberation cheat codes:
Enable Paladins:
At the Detatchment screen, hold down CTRL and type in Paladin to
enable knight paladin units.
During battle, hold down CTRL and type:
Final Fantasy 8 cheat codes:
Low level advantages:
Since the enemies level up as you do, try to keep your
level as low as possible for easier battles.
As long as your magic is good, defeating ...
Final Fantasy 7 cheat codes:
How to win at Chocobo racing
During a race hold down [Page Down] + [Target] to restore
energy (takes a while). After your party parachutes back
into Midgar, you ca...
Final Doom cheat codes:
Type them in whenever you need them:
idbehold - Displays menu (followed by S, V, I, R, A, or L for choice)
S=Strength (Berserk)
Find The Flag cheat codes:
Make sure you toggle between the F7 decoder and F8 super challenge
so you can work out which letters correspond to which flags etc.
Fire & Dragons cheat codes:
Type these word(s) during gameplay:
Code Result
IMPF - changes the player into a flying demon
WARPxx - (xx stands for a number, z. B 01 o...
Fire! cheat codes:
For cheats in this game, use the DOS utility DEBUG.
First backup your game to be edited, then type the
following from the DOS prompt:
ren fire.exe cheater.cht
debug cheat...