Guerilla War cheat codes:
For maximum men in this game, use the DOS utility DEBUG.
First backup your game to be edited, then type the following
from the DOS prompt:
ren startup.prg cheater.c...
Guild Wars cheat codes:
Ranger's Hog:
In the farming city in before the future you can get a prize hog if
you are a ranger. This hog cannot die. The enemies won't attack it.
He deals a little ...
Guild Wars Factions cheat codes:
Easy Way To Finsh Save The Child:
An easy way to save the child is to stand where you got the Quest
and yell out "Saving the Child." People will want to be on a...
Guild Wars: Nightfall cheat codes:
Hero's Ascent:
In the qualifying round of Hero's Ascent, you can order your heroes
and henchmen to attack the Zaishen without triggering the timer.
This make...
Guimo cheat codes:
Pause the game with "P" and enter these cheats for the desired effect:
JBCKFA - All weapons.
GUIMONSTER - Invincibility.
ARMAGEFUNK - Enemies attack enemies.
Guitar Hero 3: Legends Of Rock cheat codes:
At the main menu, select "Options", "Cheats", "Enter New Cheat",
then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding
cheat function. ...
Gulf War: Operation Desert Hammer cheat codes:
Cheat mode:
Press [Enter] during game play, then type one of the
following codes to activate the corresponding cheat
Effect ...
Gun Metal cheat codes:
While playing a game, press F8 to display the chat
prompt. Then, type one of the following cheats:
Gunbound cheat codes:
Display the console window, then enter one of the following codes.
/go [number] - Connect to indicated game number
/h - Display console commands
Gunmetal cheat codes:
All cheats are entered by first hitting [F8] (chat), typing the cheat,
then hitting [ENTER].
Code Action
madmax Invulnerability
Gunship 2000 cheat codes:
In order to change your rank edit the ROSTER.DAT file and change offset 54
sector 0 to an hexadecimal number. ROSTER.DAT can also be copied so you can
resurrect your p...
Gunship cheat codes:
To keep your pilots alive forever make a copy of the
ROSTER.FIL file before going on a dangerous mission. If you
get killed you can copy the file back and your p...
Gunner 3 cheat codes:
Unlocking all weapons and levels:
First thing you have to do is save a game.
(You can do this directly before you start a level - even before the first one)
Now you hav...
Gunz The Duel cheat codes:
Castle map:
Get over level 21, then play on a level 21 and over channel.
Dungeon map:
Get over level 21, then play on a level 21 and over channel.
Change chat t...