Mall Tycoon 2 cheat codes:
Hold down [Ctrl] and type one of the following codes to activate
the corresponding cheat function;
hdirate - Additional 100 to mall rating
hdicase - Additional 1...
Mall Tycoon cheat codes:
On main game screen, hold down the ctrl key and type
in the cheats:
Code Result
hditech - complete current research project
hdilore - research all techs
Man of Prey cheat codes:
Press [~] during game play to display the console window.
Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the
corresponding cheat function.
money [number] - receive...
Manchester United cheat codes:
Easy Victory:
To gain an easy victory simply switch the game into two-player mode
when losing in a single player game. The opposing team will be helpless
for the...
Manhunt cheat codes:
Shoot Locks:
If you have a gun you can shoot the locks that
usually require a crowbar to open.
Monkey See, Monkey Die! mini-game:
Successfully complete levels 11 throug...
Maniac Mansion 2 cheat codes:
Maniac Mansion mini-game:
Use the computer in Weird Ed's room five times.
Alternatively, use the following steps.
Note: This procedure involves editing a game f...
Manic Miner cheat codes:
While playing the game type:
802926 - Bug-Byte version or
WRITETYPER - Software Projects
A boot should then appear next to the lives at the bottom
of the scre...
Manx TT Superbike cheat codes:
Riding a sheep :
At the transmission select : Press up,up,down,down,left,
right,hit the brake (Z) and accelerate (X). You will hear
'baaah' if it successful. Do ...
Maple Story cheat codes:
Flip the screen:
[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Arrow Up] - Turns your screen right side up
[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Arrow Down] - Turns your screen upside down
Infinite money:
Marapets cheat codes:
Limited edition pet:
First, got to the create a pet, then point ur mouse in any limited
edition pet,(just point, dont click)and when you done it, press
ctr+n at the same ...
Marathon 1 cheat codes:
At new game scene press Ctrl + Alt, then start a new game.
Type: BUIHAVENOCLUE...type each letter slowly, then every time
you type a letter, wait two seconds before ty...
Marathon Infinity cheat codes:
Secret Terminal:
1. Go to the last level (Aye mak sicur)
2. Search a narrow and dark corridor (there
are lots of these so you'll need to search a while)
3. At t...
Marble Blast Gold cheat codes:
Press [F10] during game play, then enter one of the following codes:
default.marble.gravity=; - Set gravity; "2" is low gravity
default.marble.speed=; - Set s...
Marble Blast Gold cheat codes:
Press [F10] during game play, then enter one of the following codes:
default.marble.gravity=; - Set gravity; "2" is low gravity
default.marble.speed=; - Set s...