Power Chess cheat codes:
The first time you play the king move pown to e5.
After his move, move pown to d5. After his second
move move your queen to h4, checkmate.
Works every time.
Power Boat cheat codes:
Choose a game and set your name.
Enter here one of the following names:
bigheads : big
big engine : pow
small boat : sml
win all races : win
when you ...
Power Drift cheat codes:
If you get all the gold medals, you can enter the secret stage
where you fly a F14 Tomcat. If you do this on course D, you get
to ride the bike from "Super Hang On".
Power F1 cheat codes:
KAROLY#: Substitute # with 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 (rank #...
lieutenant to grand admiral). This grants access to previously
unavailable game areas.
Power Rangers: Super Legends cheat codes:
Bonus Rangers:
Collect all the "R", "A", "N", "G", "E", "R" letters hidden in
one of the following levels to unlock the corresponding bonus Ranger:
PowerBall cheat codes:
For activation a CHEAT MODE start game with
parameter /CHEAT.
SHIFT + N - Next level
SHIFT + L - Last level
SHIFT + F - Final level
SHIFT + U - Ultimated lifes
Powerband cheat codes:
Select automatic gears, choose a race track, start racing,
accelerate to chosen speed, and change to neutral. You should keep
moving constantly and be indestructable.
Powermonger cheat codes:
Instruct your captain to invent something, put the game speed
up to full, pause the game, and wait for a minute or two. When you
unpause the game, the invention should ...
Powerhouse cheat codes:
Press " ! " to activate the cheat mode.
Now you can press:
+ - More cash
- - Go to the next year
Click on a location to get the sources.
PowerBoat Racing cheat codes:
Enter "SML" as your name in game with remote control boat.
Type in the following cheats in the passwors screen:
VAN = Catamarans
PBA = Sla...
Praetorians cheat codes:
Cheat mode for v1.4:
Code Result
nodie - Immortal
more class - 65k town people
more honey - 255 hornor points
more men - max unitcontrol:999999
Powerslide cheat codes:
Type in cheats while you are playing, and an icon will appear
in the top right of the screen.
APOLLO: Car rises off the ground when holding ALT key.
BLAST: Repels oth...
Powerslave cheat codes:
Just Type When You Play:
[ALT]+[W] - All Guns
[ALT]+[G] - God Mode
Lobocop - All weapons
Lobodeity - God Mode
Loboswag - All items
Lobopick - All keys
Pray for Death cheat codes:
Type the following codes on the credit screen:
MEETTHEGUYS = Win the subgame to get extra features.
NEEDNOBATTERIES = See what the reaper...
Prehistoric 2 cheat codes:
For 99 lives type the following at the DOS prompt :-
E 02B4 63
New level codes for Prehistorik 2
Level Expert
level 1 d61...