Roller Rumble cheat codes:
For invulnerability in this game, use the DOS utility DEBUG.
First backup your game to be edited, then type
the following from the DOS prompt:
For the CGA version ...
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2: Time Twister cheat codes:
No money needed:
Start to create a new scenario in the editor. After you go through making
all of the desired settings, click the "No Cash" opt...
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Wild! cheat codes:
Rename one of your park guests (or more) the following codes
to get the desired effect:
Atari - All guests laugh
Mouse - Al...
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 cheat codes:
Rename one of your park guests to get one of the following effects:
ATITech - All guests and staff in the park move faster than normal
Atari - Al...
RollerCoaster Tycoon: Gold Edition cheat codes:
Clear tall grass:
If you click tall grass with a ground level tool, the grass will change
to its "normal" state. This costs no money and will pre...
Romance of the Three ... cheat codes:
(Romance of the Three Kingdoms 7)
Choose Multiple Characters
After choosing a player and enter the game, hold down R-Shift,
left mouse button and right ...
Rolling Ronny cheat codes:
By renaming the files you can play the levels in any order.
For example to change level six to level one and vice versa
change to the Rolling Ronny directory and type...
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 8 cheat codes:
Easy money:
Become a prefect in a city that is surrounded by friendlies, and have a city
near you that is on a front. It helps if the city on the fr...
Rome AD42 cheat codes:
Here are a load of cheats for this game. Hold down ALT and type
in one of the following codes:
764 Start lightning
826 Start vol...
Rome Total War cheat codes:
Start game, then bring down the console by pressing [~] aka tilde or ['],
then enter the code from below for the desired effect.
gamestop - Units gets 10% cheaper (...
Ronin: Spirit Of The Sword cheat codes:
Super password:
Enter JNAZZZZZZZZZZZZEZZRZZNOZOHZENA as a password to unlock all levels,
and have ultimate strength, defense, Chi and all magic spells.
Rooby Run cheat codes:
Start game and select password in the menu. Enter one of the
following passwords to start at the desired level.
41 -...
Rome Total War: Barbarian Invasion cheat codes:
Press the [~] ( tilde ) key, and then enter one of the following codes:
bestbuy - Units are 10% cheaper.
Rougue Squadron cheat codes:
BLAMEUS: Displays a picture of the development team.
CHICKEN: Play as an AT-ST!
CREDITS: Makes funky credits appear like at the end of a Star Warsmovie.
Cool music...