Robot Wars: Arena of Destuction cheat codes:
When asked to log in, input JPEARCE as your username.
The game cheat gives you almost unlimited credits and
unlocks all robots.
Unlock Chaos 2:
Robot Rage cheat codes:
Go to the garage:
Press [Ctrl] + R when in a battle.
Quit battle:
When in battle, press [Alt] + [F4] to quit the screen.
Extra Extra Money:
Go to the workshop and...
Robot Wars: Extreme Destruction cheat codes:
Enter one of the following codes at the indicated screen to
activate the cheat function.
Code Screen Result
Robotic Emergence cheat codes:
On level 1 (you must have the standing dome factory unlocked) when it says
first time playing say "yes" then it will say start by purchasing a green
Robots cheat codes:
Defeating Ratchet's robots:
When you get to Ratchet's huge robots with big blue eyes,
try to destroy as many of them as you can. Wait until one
of the robots' eyes open up ...
Rock Em Sock Em Robots cheat codes:
All Characters:
Go to versus and press X+and O at once then you should
have all character on career and versus.
All Characters:
Go to versus and press A+...
Rocket Jockey cheat codes:
Enter the Rocket War circuit, Mangled Memories arena, ride
your bike straight until you come to a wall, jump off and hug
the wall while walking to your right. You'll ...
Rock'n'Roll cheat codes:
Enter 'RAINBOW ARTS' for your name. The screen should turn grey.
To warp to any level, enter the following:
Level number, XX, followed by four digits that when added t...
Rocket Racers cheat codes:
Flying Race Car
Go into Build mode and create a new driver, or edit
an exiting one.
Go into Make License and enter NWHLS for no wheels
and FLYSKYHIGH to turn on fly...
Rockfall: The Return cheat codes:
Codes for v1.3:
Level 1: IT BEGINS (5787)
Level 2: SWAG BAG (4228)
Level 3: THE ROCK FALLS (3697)
Level 4: BIG SMILE (7740)
Level 5: CAREFUL (7487)
Level 6...
Rockman X cheat codes:
To enter cheat mode
Type xstuff during game play for all X armor, all abilities
(Cutter man's scissor throw, etc.) at maximum, all four Energy
Tanks filled, full health ...
Rocks and Diamonds cheat codes:
Unlimited Levels:
By Rocks and Diamonds you can create more than 100 Levels.
-=Follow only the steps=-
1.Open your "Documents"
2.Open "Rocks'n'Diamonds"
Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter 1 cheat codes:
Map Codes
Type these codes in at the map screen (just like Deer Hunter):
BGSHOW- shows game on screen
BGTRACK- move faster on screen(stealth)
Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter 2 cheat codes:
To enter a code, press the key on your keyboard while at
the hunt screen. A command console will drop down from
the top of the screen. Type in the co...
Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter 3 cheat codes:
While playing a game, press [F2], then enter one of the
following codes.
Code Result
r3find - Travel to Nearest Animal
r3nofear - Ani...