Rally Racing 97 cheat codes:
Hex cheat:
If you always come in last and you have a real lame ralley car,
hexedit the savegame Varsavegam0.rsg and change the following
offsets to:
00000040 ...
Rally Trophy cheat codes:
Activate Cheat Functions
Strat the game with the name "KALJAKOPPA". This will
enable Expert Mode, unlock all stages and cars.
Rapala Pro Fishing cheat codes:
1.Start the game.
2.Load a Profile or Create a New Profile.
3.Hit the Tilde Key ( ~ ), which is usually above your TAB key,
to open the Console.
4.Enter your c...
Raptor: Call of the Shadow cheat codes:
Cheat Codes
Change the date to May 16 i.e.
New enemy like lazer shooting cow and barel will appear
work on the Registered Version only
Rastan cheat codes:
For cheats in this game, use the DOS utility DEBUG. First
backup your game to be edited, then type the following
from the DOS prompt:
ren rastan.dat cheater.cht
debug c...
Ratatouille cheat codes:
Start the game and load a Saved Profile or Create a New Profile
At the Main Menu, select: Extras -> Gusteau's Shop -> Secrets
Choose a "Code ##" option and enter the ap...
Rattler Race cheat codes:
Easy Level Finish
First start a game on any difficulty with the "Computer Snake"
option set to 1, 2, or 3 (it doesn't matter). Next when the
level starts, and you see...
Rayman 1 cheat codes:
Cheat codes:
Just type these in any time in the game:
TRJ8P - 99 lives
EN5GOL12G - All powers
2X2RMFMF - Golden Fist Power
O8FEH - Sk...
Ravenloft cheat codes:
Cheat Edit
Edit saved game (save.dat).
Offset 0097 to 14 00 Max Class Player 1
02DF 2
00A9 to FF (x10) Max Stats Player 1
Rayman 2: The Great Escape cheat codes:
Press [Esc] to get into the menu and type in
Code Result
GOTHERE - All level accessable
GLOWFIST - More fire power
GIMMELIFE - Plus 5 ...
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc cheat codes:
Extra energy:
Your maximum energy is increased for every six cages collected.
Note: There are a total of 60 cages in the game.
Rayman Forever cheat codes:
Cheat mode:
Enter the following codes during game play to activate the
corresponding cheat function. Note: Numbers must be entered
using the top row of keys.
Rayman Gold cheat codes:
Level select:
Select a world from the main map. Hold [Tab], type openall,
and press [Backspace] to access any level on that world.
Cheat mode:
Hold [Tab] and type o...