Shockwave Assault cheat codes:
Start a new game with one of the
following case-sensitive player names:
Code Blue - Super laser
TakeMeToYourLeader - Unlimited shields, weapons
Shogo: Mobile Armor Division cheat codes:
Press "T" for Talk then type:
MPGOD - Godmode
MPKFA - Full Ammo, Armor, and Health
MPHEALTH - Full Health
MPAMMO - Full Ammo
MPARMOR - Full Armor
Shogun: Total War cheat codes:
Type these codes in-game:
Code Result
.matteosartori - Reveal Map
.daggins - Reveal Map
.muchkoku. - Unlimited KoKu
Shopping Centre Tycoon cheat codes:
Stop Criminals from Entering Mall:
You will need to rename 'crim_f.RWS' to 'crim_f.bak' and 'crim_m.RWS'
to 'crim_m.bak.
The 'crim_f.RWS' file is located ...
Shrek SuperSlam cheat codes:
Play as Anthrax:
Complete Bonus 7 in Mega Challenge mode.
Play as Captain Hook:
Complete Tournament 25 in Mega Challenge mode.
Play as Cyclops:
Complete Chal...
Shrek 2 cheat codes:
All portions:
When you are playing the game press 'Enter' and type 'yahoo'.
Then you will have all the portions.
To Enter Cheat Mode:
When you are playing the game pres...
Shrine: Circus Tycoon cheat codes:
Type one of the following codes then press [Enter]
cash - $10,000
fame - All performers fame increase
pactice - All performers practice
sad - Ever...
Shroomz cheat codes:
Level Codes:
These are the different level codes, just
click on use password and enter the password.
L1 = utfooke L1 = ...
Shuttle cheat codes:
Mission skip:
Create a log save file and begin game play.
Save the game during the first mission, then
completely exit the game. Reload the game and
the log save file. Re...
Sid Meier's: Alien Crossfire cheat codes:
Secret Firaxian faction:
Start the Faction Editor. Select "Open" and type sid.
Select "Save" and save it as sid. Then, click "Add Faction".
This may a...
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri cheat codes:
The Following codes are typed during gameplay:
[Shift]+[F1]-Create unit
[Shift]+[F2]-Discover Technology
[Shift]+[F3]-Switch sides and reset view
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri: Alien Crossfire cheat codes:
Secret Firaxian faction:
Start the Faction Editor. Select "Open" and type sid.
Select "Save" and save it as sid. Then, click "Add Factio...
Sid Meier's Pirates cheat codes:
When in dance mode just hit the pause/break key everytime
she does a hand single for you to move, then quickly unpause
the game and hit the direction key she wa...
Sid Meier's SimGolf cheat codes:
Cheat Codes:
During gameplay press control+shift+alt & type the cheats below
(case sensitive):
Code - Result
Tigerwoodsrules - Makes your pro 990% on all s...