Superbike 2000 cheat codes:
Superfast Motor:
While you're driving press aprilia. You schould here
a sound.
All old riders:
At the main menu type "oldgoestonew"to have all the
riders from 1...
Super-Bikes: Riding Challenge cheat codes:
Unlock all bike and tracks, Ufos, giant heads for riders
and superdrift mode. Insert this passwords instead of you
name in the "create new profile" pa...
Super ZZT cheat codes:
Cheat Codes:
Hold [Shift] and press [?] during game play. Then type one of
the following codes during gameplay:
+debug-Debug mode on
-debug-Debug mode off
Super Worm cheat codes:
Hidden feature:
Enter the credits screen from the main menu. Turn on the [Num Lock],
then press [Keypad 1], [Keypad 2], [Keypad 3], or [Keypad 4].
Defeating the first...
Super Tetris cheat codes:
Hex cheat:
it may be neccessary to press the SHIFT key before
activating commands within the INFINITY Machine, or
after you return to the game.
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo cheat codes:
Enter one of the following case-sensitive codes to
activate the cheat function.
Player 1 recovers energy slowly - help ive gone mad1
Player 1 reco...
Super Stardust cheat codes:
The following codes should be entered as
passwords on the title screen.
NOBRAKES - Full engine power.
HARDGAME - Makes the game harder.
DNUMUAHCS - Ten t...
Super Star Wars cheat codes:
Cheat mode:
Type braindead at the main menu to enable cheat mode.
Then, press one of the following keys at the indicated
screen to activate the corresponding cheat...
Super Speed cheat codes:
Super lap:
Intentionally crash as your car crosses the finish line.
The helicopter will drop your car right below the finish
line awarding a free lap with the possibil...
Super Solvers: Gizmos And Gadgets cheat codes:
Run and super jump:
Hold [Ctrl] while walking to run. If you jump while running you
will go farther.
Puzzle shapes:
When solving puzzles that ...
Super Smash Flash cheat codes:
Skipping through levels:
Just right click anywhere on the game screen, click 'Settings'
and then right click again with the settings still open, and click
Super Sayjin Goku cheat codes:
When you have to face Freiza, choose Goku and Krillin.
Be Krillin and get your self killed and Goku will go
SSJ! Now you can choose SSJ Goku in VS. mode, with out...
Super Off-Road cheat codes:
Extra credits:
Hold [Plus] while entering a name or buying items.
At the truck selection menu,
hit c left, c right, or
c up to get monster trucks.
Super Mario: Final cheat codes:
Start the first level, click on the Passwort options.
Enter one of the following Code.
Level Code
World1 level1 - free
World1 level2 - amit
Super Mario vs NWo cheat codes:
Free Stars:
Press ~ within the title scree. Each time you will
earn a star. If you press = instead of ~ you will
get 19 stars which is only 1 away from winning ...