USAR Hooters Pro Cup Racing cheat codes:
Type the following cheats on the main screen:
Code Result
HPC-CHEAT - Toggle Cheat Mode
HPC-NODINERO - Loading New Sponsor
US Navy Fighters '97 cheat codes:
In quick mission aircraft selection hold down crl+alt. You will be
able to fly any plane in the game. You must keep the two keys held
down untill in flight tho...
Usurper cheat codes:
In Usurper v.12 and lower, When attacking someone in the inn, during
the fight with the guards, quick heal and the guards will disappear.
Also, when you fight someone in th...
Tabloid Tycoon cheat codes:
Hold [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C during game play to display the
console window. Then, enter one of the following codes.
dumpster dive - Add leads
walk of shame ...
Tabula Rasa cheat codes:
Teleport back to your death location:
After you die and resurrect, immediately type "/stuck".
You will be teleported back to your death location.
Note: This also works...
Tachyon: The Fringe cheat codes:
Bring up the command window by hitting [7] on the
numpad, then type:
Code Result
IM A CHEATER - Cheat Codes Enabled
ONE ...
Taco Bell's Tasty Temple Challenge cheat codes:
( Taco Bell's Tasty Temple Challenge )
Micro Scorpion:
There is a scorpion when you reach the steps in level 1.
Kill it, then push it a short di...
Tactical Assassin 2 cheat codes:
Level Password
Free bullets:
When you start the game, play two or three leve...
Tactical Assassin Substratum cheat codes:
Enter one of the following passwords.
Note: Level passwords must be in capitals.
Mission One - Breaking In...
Tactical Manager 1 cheat codes:
Money and Manager rating cheats
Run the game as usual, select the Managers icon (pen and paper) from
the control panel, and create a manager in the first slot. ...
Tactical Manager 2 cheat codes:
Money Cheat:
type your name as Faizal Salim in manager name you can
get $999million. To get a fullstat of your player type
salim at main menu.
Tactical Ops: Assult on Terror cheat codes:
Press [~] to display the console, then enter iamtheone to enable cheat mode.
Then, enter one of the following codes at the console:
fly - Flight mo...
Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis cheat codes:
How to turn your ally into a Angel Knight:
You need a high lvl ally and lawful
it need(hp215, mp66, str89, int81, agi88, ali-l, and the Archangel'...
Taekwondo World Champion cheat codes:
Increased ability of created fighter:
Create a profile in championship mode.
Now save the game (mostly it is autosave). Go to the directory where you
Tagwars cheat codes:
Play as Poison
Type Poison at the '1) Player 2) Players Q)uit' screen.
Clue Mode
Type Akces at the '1) Player 2) Players Q)uit' screen.
Hidden Options
Type IKE at th...
Tailchaser cheat codes:
If you in the password menu ABRAKADABRAZIM
enter, activate you to the Cheatmodus.
Now you can during the play with
[Strg] + [alt] + on the left of [Umschalt ] to pause ...
Take No Prisoners cheat codes:
Konsol Commands:
~bigcheater God Mode
~fly Fly Mode
~noclip No clipping mode (Walk-thru-walls)
Oh you can cheat madly. Just drop...