Wing Commander 1 cheat codes:
This cheat is valid for the Data Disks too.
To load games type WC1, WC2, SO1, etc. followed by a Space, Origin, another
Space and then -k (e.g. WC2 Origin -k).
Wing Commander 3 cheat codes:
Cheat Codes
way to view any of the movie "cut-scenes" in WC3!. During the opening
credits, hold down shift-delete-F10 and type "L-O-R-D-B-R-I-T-I-S-H"
(yes, caps...
Wing Commander 4 cheat codes:
Start the game with:
wc4 -mitchell - Displays a message while starting: Mitchel is no
longer working here (This was the WC III cheat)
wc4 -mitchell2 - Simila...
Wing Commander Academy cheat codes:
Start game with "WCA ESRT -k"
To get the ALT+DEL cheat described in the Wing Commander section. Some of
the other cheat keys may work as well.
Wing Commander: Kilrathi Saga cheat codes:
Turn invulnerability off.
Edit the wingcmdr.cfg (for Wing Commander 1) and wc2.cfg (WC2).
They should contain this : -k -b
Now play the game and you ...
Wing Commander: Secret Ops cheat codes:
While in flight, hold [Shift] and type one of the following
codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
goodtarget - Turret style targeting
Wing Star cheat codes:
Type "wingstar ABRACAX" and some of the following
parameters to start the game:
~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
f fastmode
2 35Hz
1 ...
Winged Warrior 1 cheat codes:
When you get to the bridge a person asks for your ID number,
but you don't know so, go to the room near the Gobbler and when
you get there you see a clock and you ...
Winged Warrior 2 cheat codes:
Bridge Pass
When you get to the bridge a person asks for your ID number, but you
don't know so, go to the room near the Gobbler and when you get there
you see a c...
Wings Of Fury cheat codes:
Type colin was here while in game play to
enable cheat mode. Then, press one of the
following keys to activate the corresponding
cheat function.
Function - K...
Wings Of Glory cheat codes:
Buy a good set of rudder peddals, they make all the
difference in the world!!
Learn to use the top gun to shoot from under the enemy
instead of trying head-ons.
Wingstar cheat codes:
Type wingstar ABRACAX [Parameters]
Where Parameters is:
f = fastmode, 2 = 35Hz, 1 = 70Hz, r = raster on,
t = frametime info m = memory use, s = sound off,
h = halted (...
Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 cheat codes:
Open classic teams:
Classic Argentina - Win the Puma Cup with Argentina team.
Classic Brazil - Win the Puma Cup with Brazil team.
WinPolis 3.43 cheat codes:
If you like to start the game with $100000000, you can do it ...
herez how to do it ...
Go to Windows directory (C:Windows)
Edit Winpolis32.i...
Wipeout 2097/XL cheat codes:
Type at the title screen:
RUSH - Silly ships
Type at the main menu:
XTEAM - Enable Piranha team
XCLASS - Enable Phantom class
XTRACK - All tracks
Pause ...