God mode: Pause game play, then hold L2 and quickly press Square, Triangle(2), Square. Then hold R2 and quickly press Triangle, Square(2), Triangle. Repeat the code to disable its effect.[...
Скрытые комнаты в Древних Руинах: Чтобы найти скрытые комнаты, идите к пропасти в начале уровня, встаньте на её краю и нажмите R1 + R2, появится кусочек земли, запрыгните на него и вы увид...
Unlock Mu-12: Achieve every character's Clear ending in Story Mode, and complete the True Ending. This also unlocks her stage, and theme song for use in various game modes.
Astral Heat: To unlock Astral Heat for a character, you have to complete arcade mode with them. Example: Completing Arcade mode with Taokaka unlocks her Astral Heat the next time you us...
Defeating the final Boss: Your health will keep decreasing, so keep hitting enemies to get additional health packs. Destroy things that regenerate enemies, specially the scorpions <#>...
Hint Defeating Bosses: Note: This trick will work on levels 2, 4, 6 and 7. Toss a grenade at the Boss. Pause game play after the Boss begins to flash. The Boss will accumulate damage while the g...
Усовершенствовать все корабли: На главном меню нажмите Left, L1, Up, Up, Down, Right, R2, L2, R2, Down, Up, Down и услышите взрыв. Начните с любым кораблем и выйдите из игры. Теперь у вас ...
INSTANT DEMOLITION: Park your vehicle right next to a building or between two buildings so that the driver will not be able to get out. Press and hold the Z Button. The driver will scream,...
Unlimited Lives: At title screen press Square, Left, Right, Circle, Down, Circle, Up. Then choose 'Sole Survivor' mode in 'Games' Menu. Return to main and start.
Finish the entire game to unlock weapons from the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors. You can purchase the following weapons at the store once completed the game:
Durandal: Successfully complete the game with France to unlock the two-handed sword Durandal (Edge: 99, Point: 99, Blunt: 99, Magic: 99, everything else 0).