Открыть режим читов: Полностью пройдите режим Истории(story mode) за любого персонажа. Снова выберите его, затем выберите "Продолжить историю"(continue the story).
16 Lives, 36 Bombs and Double Score: Don't shoot any bosses who are on odd numbered levels (1,3,5 etc). You will receive the lives, bombs and score when the boss leaves.
God mode: Pause game play, then hold LT and quickly press X, Y(2), X. Then hold RT and quickly press Y, X(2), Y. Repeat the code to disable its effect.
Unlock all campaign missions and planes, all paint shemes: Hold Minus + Plus and quickly press Left, Right, 1, 2, 2, 1 at the menu after selecting your pilot.
Неуязвимость: Поставьте игру на паузу, зажмите L1 и быстро нажмите: КВАДРАТ, ТРЕУГОЛЬНИК(2), КВАДРАТ. Потом, зажмите R1 и быстро нажмите: ТРЕУГОЛЬНИК, КВАДРАТ(2), ТРЕУГОЛЬНИК. Повторить ко...
Invincibility: Pause the game, then hold L1 and quickly press: Square, Triangle(2), Square. Then, hold R1 and quickly press: Triangle, Square(2), Triangle. Repeat the code to disable its e...
Various cheats: The first cheat code should be entered at the Main Menu. The following 2 cheat codes should be entered while the game is paused. (For best results, at the very start of ...