Unlock Classic mode: After completing Normal mode, you will unlock Classic mode to play the Classic Bomberman game in updated graphicsClassic mode Complete Normal mode.
Extended bonus games Hold A and move around after your first set of bombs explode to place more bombs in front of the explosions. Note: Hold A + B if the remote control power-up has been collect...
Cheat Code New Games - Extras - Cheats. For turning On / Off The cheats, Pause the game, Choose Cheats menu. Left, Right, Up, Down Unlimited Enchanced Vision Right...
TV Sprites: Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Sprite: Earth: Save twenty Helper Sprites. Jupiter: Buy five records. Mars: Ship 300 of the same p...
Редактор: Пройдите консультацию и 1 со 2 уровни для разблокировки редактора в главном меню. Редактор позволяет модифицировать любые незавершенные миссии.
Editor: Complete the tutorial and levels 1 and 2 to unlock a game editor option on the main menu. The game editor allows any previously completed missions to be modified.
999 секунд: На загрузочном экране, появляющемся перед заданием (после выбора бойца и вооружения) нажмите и удерживайте L1, L2, R1, R2, треугольник, кружок, квадрат, X и кружок: удержива...
Additional difficulty levels: Repeated press Left at the difficulty selection screen to access the "Very Easy" setting or repeatedly press Right to access the "Very Hard" ...