Press Down, Right, A, C, Up, Left, Up when the battlefield begins scrolling across the opening screen. A laugh will confirm correct code entry. Pause game play and pr...
More brain games: Change the Nintendo DS system date, then go to "Daily Training". Then, change the date back a day. Note: This is irreversible. To unlock all mini-games, keep mo...
Destroy all enemies (Word Attack Space Mode): During the Space mode of the Word Attack training game, if you press AYXB exactly in that order, all of the enemies on screen will be destroyed. ...
Play any Brain Age Check exercise: Select your profile, then go to the options menu with the "Brain Age Check", "Daily Training", etc. options. Hold Select and choose &quo...
Эпилог: Найдите все 60 элементов мозаики и полностью соберите мозаику каждого мира. Теперь сломанная лестница, ведущая на чердак, где можно выбирать уровень, станет нормальной. Залазьте на...
Epilogue: Find all 60 puzzle pieces and successfully complete all jigsaw puzzles in every World. The broken ladder that leads to the attic in the house where levels are selected will now b...
Коды: 90HG6738 - завершить Amateur Series H7649DH5 - завершить Top Contender Series 2GG48HD9 - завершить Pro Am Series 8G3D97B7 - завершить Prof. Series B3G58318 - завершить World Ti...
Passwords: 90HG6738 - Amateur Series completed H7649DH5 - Top Contender Series completed 2GG48HD9 - Pro Am Series completed 8G3D97B7 - Prof. Series completed B3G58318 - World Title c...
Пароли Чемпионата (Championship Passwords): Прохождение амматорской серии (Amateur Series Beaten): 90HG6738 Прохождение серии главного соперника (Top Contender Series Beaten): ...
Championship Passwords Amateur Series Beaten: 90HG6738 Top Contender Series Beaten: H7649DH5 Pro Am Series Beaten: 2GG48HD9 Prof. Series Beaten: 8G3D97B7 World T...