Скрытые боссы: За скрытых боссов можно играть сразу после того как вы их победите. Условие появления боссов - выполнение трех из условий. Если вы играете за Capcom вы получите Ultimate ...
Hidden Bosses: Hidden Bosses can be used once they have been defeated. The conditions of the Bosses to appear are to fulfill two out of the following three conditions. If you play with ...
EX characters: Successfully complete arcade mode with a character to unlock their EX (Extra) form in the secret shop. The "EX" form is the exact same character with new, different, or ...
Секретные персонажи Играть за Anita - зажмите L & R и выберите Donovan Играть за Hsien-Ko's Talisman/Sister's spirit - зажмите L & R и выберите Hsien-Ko Играть за Morrigan в роли л...
Выбор уровня в Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts: На экране Опций подсветите Backup, затем зажмите L1 + Start на втором джойстике и нажмите Start на первом джойстике.
Level Select in Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts At the Options screen, highlight Backup, then hold L1 + Start on Controller Two and press Start on Controller One.
Каждая мини-игра содержит секретный концепт-арт, который можно открыть, выполнив одно из соответствующих заданий: 1941 - победите босса 4 уровня Krote Avengers - пройдите 4 уровень и спасите ...
Hidden Characters: Beat the game with any characters and Megaman and Little Red Lady will be unlocked. You can't see them on the character selection screen but they are on left and right of ...
Level skip: Enter QNFJR as a password and ignore the error message. Begin game play and press Select to jump to the next level. Level Password 1 BCBCY 2 SCSDX 3 CDBGW 4 TDSHT[b...
Press Up, Right(2), Down(3), Left(4), A, Up, B, Down, C, Left, Down, Start at the title screen. Begin game play and use your bazookateer to fire three times....
More time to answer questions: When a question you cannot answer appears, press the PlayStation Logo button to stop your game. This will give you time to look up the answer.