Snowblind Penguin in the Plane of Torment: Перед началом Plane of Torment на пути вы можете видеть вершину, напоминающую башню. На вершине пингвин, ходящий по кругу.
Snowblind Penguin in the Plane of Torment: Towards the beginning of the Plane of Torment, off the side of the path, you can see the top of what looks like a tower. On top is a the Snowblin...
Save exploit: Make sure you have room on your memory card for more than one save. The idea behind the cheat is to import your own character into a map you control. So, if you are after exp...
Boss battle: Collect at least twenty crowns on each levels. A box marked "….?" will appear on the level selection screen. This new option will allow each of the Bosses from the six lev...
Enable God Powers and press B. A level select menu will appear in lower left corner of the screen. Press B to choose a level and press Start to resume game play.
Атака землетрясением Если Вы наносите удар по земле Earth Elemental Sword, то вызовете малое землетрясение, уничтожая всех врагов или нанося им существенный вред. Хотя Вы будете терять основн...
Easy aces: Select a hard hitter for arcade mode. When it is your turn to serve, hold Square and press the Left Analog-stick slightly to the side of the court. If done correctly, this will result...
Cheat Mode: During gameplay, hold L + R + A + B + X + Y and rotate the analog stick. The message "Get A Life" or "All Levels" will appear if done correctly.
Дополнительные жизни и неуязвимость: В режиме приключений нажмите паузу, наберите L1, L1, L2, L1, Start и вы выйдете из паузы. Нажмите на паузу снова и для получения жизни нужно будет н...
Extra Lives and Invincibility Pause an adventure game, press L1, L1, L2, L1, Start to unpause. Pause gameplay again and press Right to add a life, and for every odd life, it makes the player inv...