Get Nine Lives: At the game’s main menu, hold the A and B buttons on the 1st controller while holding down right on the d-pad, A and B on the 2nd controller.
Открыть опцию Mutant-Clyde: Надо полностью закончить игру. Как получить очки Gamerscore: Killer Kudos (25 очков) - сделать 100 клонов. Kenn Collection (15 очков) - сделать 50 клонов.[br...
Школьная форма: На титульном экране нажмите и удерживайте L1 + R2 + Select + треугольник. Теперь запустите игру. Ваш персонаж будет теперь в школьной форме.
Infinite Health: At the main menu, press UP, DOWN(x2), LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN(x2), Square(x4), DOWN, RIGHT, UP. if you entered the code right, you will hear a ticking noise.
Three free codes: Although the game's cheat codes are encrypted and unique to your specific disc access code, you can get three free codes by using the following trick. First, make a n...
(Time Stalkers) Unlimited Tokens: Download the "Stuff" mini-game to your VMU. Then, save your game. Now sell everything you have and go to the Monster House. Here, buy as many token...
Cape Claynaveral warp: Start Clayton's Yard and jump over the first tunnel. Jump on the first flower four times. Japan warp: Jump on the magnet in Cape Claynaveral four times. [b...
Small fighters: Select Four-player tournament mode. Choose and name the following fighters in this order, with "_" indicating a space: 1 Frosty, with POSSE as a name. 2 Frosty...
Secret Characters: At the Character Selection screen, hold Z or R, then enter one of the following "Codes". When finished, press R on the ? to scroll through the characters...
Fight as Boss: Start a one-player game and play until N. Boss is reached. Lose both rounds, then do not press any buttons until the option screen appears. Select the Vs. battle option. Use...
CHANGE THE CHARACTERS OUTFIT COLOR On the Character Select screen, highlight the Character of your choice, then press either A or Start to get one color, or press any of the C Buttons to get a s...
PLAY AS SUMO SANTA CODE. On the Character Select screen, hold the L button, then press A, down C, right C, up C, left C, B. You will see a flash and the bottom left question mark will disappear,...
Bypass forced encounters: You can bypass a forced encounter if you enter the tile while it's being occupied by a random battle monster. Instead of fighting through the forced encounter yo...