Cheat codes: AKHTER - Max speed for bowlers ASIF - Max stamina for bowlers GUL - Good deliveries for bowlers HAIER - No ball for umpire INZAMAM - Max stamina for batsmen[br...
Three eggs at start: When you begin the game, go all the way to the right until you find a machine. You will be warped up, and if you use the elevators you should ride to the second floor....
Crazy Taxi 2 Cheats Expert Mode - Press Triangle and Start together while choosing character No Destinations - Hold Triangle while choosing character No Directional Arrows - Hold Start whi...
Зажмите L + R + X + Y + клик- зажать Left Analog-stick + клик- зажать Right Analog-stick на первом контроллере и четыре одновременно на экране выбора персонажа. Голос подтвердит правиль...
Cheat mode: Hold L + R + X + Y + click-hold Left Analog-stick + click-hold Right Analog-stick on controllers one and four simultaneously at the character selection screen. A voice will confirm c...
Disable arrow indicators: Hold R + Start as the character selection screen appears. The message "No Arrows" will appear in the lower left corner to confirm correct code entry. [b...
Additional Taxi View: Begin a new game and while the game is in progress press and hold L1 and R1, then press Circle to enter first person driving mode. Press Triangle to view from a wider angle...
City Two: In order to unlock City 2, you must earn $10,000 or more in normal rules, 3, 5 or 10 minutes mode in the Crazy Taxi mode. This is much easier if you lower the amount of traffic, ...
Во время игры нажмите [Ctrl] + [Enter], чтобы остановить врагов ВНИМАНИЕ: Время не остановится! Теперь вы можете прицелиться получше, и стрелять во врага, сколько хотите!