Cheat Menu: At the Options screen, press DOWN(x2), UP, Square, LEFT(x2), L1, R1, Circle. Go back to the Main Menu, and you will see a new option called "Extra".
Открыть все уровни -> 74255652; Завершить уровень -> 83793279; Много монстров -> 9662437; Все способности -> 327838658464; Бессмертие -> 46667825489; Mини-игра "I...
Upgraded Radar: To unlock an upgraded radar that shows the location of Tech Point Caches, Ammo Caches, Weapons Lockers and Journals, complete the game for the first
At the main menu hold Select + Start, then press: Challenges completed - Triangle, Square, L1, Circle, R1, X, R1, Square All boarders - Triangle, Square, L1, Circle, R1, X, R1, Triangle Ex...
PLAY AS THE BOSSES: To play as Demitron and Sonork, enter the following code on Dark Rift's Title screen: press A, B, R, L, Down C Button, Up C Button.
Enter the words as a code: COMPUTERS - Increased intellect attribute SOCCER - Increased research attribute MARTIALARTS - Increased strength attribute MOUNTAINBIKING - In...