Unlock All Levels and Movies: Hold L+R, and press Down, Left, Down, Y and Down at the title screen (after pressing Start) to unlock all levels and movies.
Enter one of the following case-sensitive codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. The indicated message will appear to confirm correct code entry. Repeat a code to disable its eff...
Unlock 4 levels from Challenge Mode: At the title screen, press: Down, Up, Left, Right, Right, Left. A sound will indicate that you have put the code in correctly.
Prequel bonuses: Successfully complete Dead Space: Ignition in single player Ignition mode to unlock the Hacker suit (has bonus perks and hacking capabilities), a Hacker-themed Contact Bea...
Easy $1500 on a slot machine: In the casino, there is a slot machine with a cow on it, put in $100 dollars to gamble and you will always win the first 5 times
Apprentice Rising (20) Reach level 25. Bartender (20) Mix a drink. Better With a Friend (20) Solve all case files in Co-op. Big Spender (20) Spend $6,000,0...
Infinity Mode: Надо отыскать "правильную" концовку. Концовки игры: Конец A: решить все задачи и вернуть телепорт в 12 часов 22 числа. Ending B: решить все задачи и вернуть выж...
Начать с суммой денег: Играйте в Dead or Alive 3 в режиме Survival (на выживание) за персонажа, который появиться в DoA: Xtreme Beach Volleyball. За каждую победу в третьей части, Вы будете п...
Start with Loads of Money: Play Survival Mode in Dead or Alive 3 with a character who appears in Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball, and the number of wins will be converted into money. One w...