How do you get Zhu Gue Laing? You have to visit his house three times. First you have to take Xhu Xe to Zhou Cang Castle. He tells you to find Zhu Ge Liang. Then you go to his house and he is no...
Level skip Hold Down + Select and press B(3), A on controller two during game play. Release Down, then press Start + Right on controller two. Additionally, when playing in "Star Stage"...
Super A-10: Select the A-10 attack plane and take off. Wait until the "Good Luck" message disappears, then keep flying in the same direction and speed. Shoot just one round from ...
Alternative Ending Sequences: Start by completing the game once. Then, get all the possible items and defeat the final boss once more, at the end you will get some extra ending sequences n...
Excellent Play Demo: The hidden demo mode in this game will show you how to get through the irritating mazes the fastest way possible. To see this demo press and hold L and R at the main title m...
Trophies: Icle: Complete all Chip the miner's puzzles. Flower: Complete all of the Fairies puzzles. Love Heart: Complete all of Honeycake's puzzles. Ball Full Of Lava: Complete ...