New Namek After you find all of the seven Missing Nameks, back to the ship near to the Capsule Corporation and talk to the scientist. The scientist will ask you to accompany the refugee ba...
Cheap Recovery Trick: If you are wandering around in an area and are low on health, you can try this (not-so-secret) trick to recover quickly. Save your game,...
Легкая победа: Чтобы с легкостью победить кого-либо, сразу после начала матча, выполните вашу супер атаку. Затем, зарядитесь до 100%. Дайте вашему противнику зарядиться до 50% или 100%. Да...
Attack position: When you use strong attacks, your position matters. For example, if Piccolo at any level is on the ground with a Spirit gauge at 100% and you use his special, he will fire...
Fight as Super Goku: Intentionally allow one of your members to die at the final battle. For example, if you allow Kulilin to die (as in the story) Goku will get angry. He will flash, then...
View real ending: Play on a difficulty level of three or higher and fight the following matches in order: Son Gokuu Vs. Picollo Son Gokuu Vs. Vejeta Son Gokuu Vs. Freeza Piccolo V...
Press the L button on the main menu to reveal the words "Dragon Click" on the Dragon Rader. Press R to start the game, which simply requires you to press the R button as ...
В экране опций нажимайте: вверх,вниз,вверх,вниз,влево,вправо,влево,вправо,Select,Start, Select,Start,квадрат,круг,квадрат,круг,Х(2), Start для открытия всех бонусов.
ALevel 1: To get past level 1, you must defeat Guldo, Krillin, and Nail. To defeat Krillin, use as many Raise Your Anger cards as possible (while using the Starter Deck). You have a ver...