Unlimited money: Leave the castle and travel to the "Adventurer's Hall of Registration". Create a list of soldiers, then go downstairs to the "Eatery". Enlist three of th...
Defeating Metaly Go to a store and buy three torches. When you encounter a Metaly, throw the three torches at it (if it does not run away before you throw them).
Betray the kingdom Rescue the Princess before you fight the Dracolord. Take her with you to the final battle and the Dracolord will ask for her. You have now have the choice of answering &...
Unlimited money: Defeat the Golem and collect $1000, but do not enter the city he was guarding. Instead, return to the king and save the game. Reset the NES, reload the game, return to the Golem...
Много золота: Найди золотой, Серебряный ключи и ключ Тюремщика. В замке тебе надо убить Злого колдуна. Полученный Жезл ты сможешь продать за 195000 золотых монет. Иди к королю, сохрани игр...
Вниз, вправо, Select, вниз, II, вниз, I, влево, Select, вверх, I, II, I - 100 жизней Зажмите Select и нажмите кнопку бега 57 раз, чтобы открыть экранный режим аркады Влево, вправо, вниз...
Defeating the Rock Golem: The Rock Golem will hit you multiple times before you can hit him. Use your shield to block them, then hit him when he is stunned. When he is at about one quarter...
Defeating the Rock Golem: The Rock Golem will hit you multiple times before you can hit him. Use your shield to block them, then hit him when he is stunned. When he is at about one quarter...
Commissioner Prizes: Later in the game, prizes will be given out by the Commissioner's employees. These monsters will be given after you obtain the required amount of skills/monsters.[...