Acquire Encore Mode: Finish the game once. View the ending and save your game; next, begin a new game from your old save file.Party Level 2 (10 points): Acquire party level 2.
Completion Bonus: Successfully complete the game and save when prompted. Load the cleared saved game file to start a new game session will all previously collected Score Pieces, Party Leve...
Jonathan Blade: Ошеломляющий луч - Назад (0.5 секунды), Вперед + Z. Персональная защита - X + Y + Z. Самонаводящийся клинок - Назад (.5 секунды), Вперед + Х + Y. Клинок по прямой - Наза...
Easy level up: After you go through the Dark Rift you will be able to go back. After you finish off all the tasks and you have to go around the world, go back to the Dark Rift and go to the exit...
Выбор уровней Начните игру. Появится опции Героев и Миссий. Зажмите вниз, A, B, C и нажмите влево, вправо, вверх, вниз. Отныне вы сможете выбирать уровни.
Level select: Start a game, the Hero and Mission screen appears. Now hold down A,B,C and press Left, Right, Up, Down on D-Pad. You are now able to select the level by pressing Left/Right.[...
Выбор уровня игры: На экране завершения игры ("Пока горит THE END") нажмите и удерживайте DOWN и LEFT и нажмите все три кнопки A + B +C; потом нажимайте START, пока вновь не зазвучи...
Легкие деньги: Идите в город Наград(town of Ordens). Идите в магазин вещей(item shop) и купите столько синего чая(Blue Tea) сколько сможете по 100, затем продайте обратно за 150. Вы можете...
Easy money: Go to the town of Ordens. Go to the item shop and buy all the Blue Tea you can for 100, then sell them back for 150. You can buy 99 for 9900, but when you sell back 66 you gain...
Soar sky high At the title screen, select "Vert", then choose "X-Rage". Select any skater, then choose your skating location. You will have 60 seconds to rack up points...
Night courses: Successfully complete all four minute events in X Games mode (SnowborderX, Superpipe, Big Air, and Slope Style), to unlock Big Air & Super Pipe at night.
At the cheat screen enter: SUPERMAN - super jumps SCOREBOX - controller scoring READY TO FUMBLE - press L2 during game play to cause a fumble. CAN'T TOUCH THIS - un...
CAN'T TOUCH THIS - Сильный игрок с мячом SUPERMAN - Супер прыжки и уклоны SCOREBOX - Управление подсчетом очков READY TO FUMBLE - While playing a game, press L2 ...
Cheat Codes: CAN'T TOUCH THIS - Unstoppable ball carrier SUPERMAN - Super jumps and dives READY TO FUMBLE - Fumbles (Press L during game play to cause a fumble) ALOHA - Aloha stadiu...